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If you own a small framing company, or you have a saw at home for your personal frames, we are happy to provide you with lengths of picture frame moulding for a discounted price.

Like any woodworking project, there will inevitably be a small amount of waste when cutting frames. Therefore, when you require, say, an 8x10" frame, it's not as simple as ordering two 8" lengths and two 10" lengths.

This article outlines the formula and process for placing a length moulding order with KeenART Media.


The total moulding you require depends on a few factors: frame size, frame quantity, face width, and moulding length. In determining the total length, you must consider the face width, width and height of your frame, and the waste sections. To place your order, first use the formula to determine your required length. Then contact us to request your length moulding. Special optimization software is available which takes all factors into consideration and outputs the least wasteful cutting arrangement.

At KeenART Media, we offer a wide selection of picture frame mouldings - more than 400! This includes solid wood frames, both simple and ornate, narrow metal exhibition frame styles, and wood and metal floater frames. Any of the styles shown on our Picture Frame Mouldings page are available as lengths.

Because length mouldings do not require as much of our framer's time and energy to prepare, it is less costly to purchase the mouldings in this way. Generally when ordering length moulding, the customer will request a bit more than they require, to allow for error and waste.

But how do you know the total length required? A number of factors must be taken into consideration:

  • The size of the finished frame: Of course you will need to know whether you are making 8x10" or 18x24" picture frames from this length moulding.

  • The quantity of finished frames: Four frames will not necessarily require twice as many lengths as two frames, as different cuts can result in less waste and therefore less wood.

  • The face width of the moulding: The face width of the moulding determines the amount of waste in each cut. The triangle cut out between the two mitered edges is twice the face width on the longest side.

  • The length the mouldings come in: Whether the moulding comes in 8 ft or 12 ft lengths determines how we must prepare the lengths for you. (ie: If you require 5 ft lengths, we can cut two from a 12 ft strip, but only one from an 8 ft strip.)
  Check out our picture frame mouldings on our dedicated order page


The diagram above shows a length of moulding and the result of a number of cuts in the single length.

Let's assume you require two 18" lengths for the shorter arms of your 18x24" picture frame. In this case, the width will be 18" and the length will be 24". Make sure this amount takes breathing room for the contents into consideration (ie: for an 18x24" frame, the contents should actually be about 17-1/2" x 23-1/2" or 17-3/4 x 23-3/4".

If you have selected a 3" wide frame, the face width is 3".

The waste is the section cut away by the mitering saw or chopper, which gives you two 45° mitered edges, and a small triangle of waste wood.

There is also about 1/2" of waste at the point of each triangle, made by the gap between the saw or knife blades (blade gap). This measurement depends on the miter saw or chopper you are using, but should not be more than 1/2". If you know your blades have a larger space between them, make sure you allow for this in your order.

Continuing with our example, then, and as shown in the image at right, the long end of the waste piece is 6-1/2" (3" + 3" + 1/2").

The formula for determining the length of moulding required (before factoring in the maximum length of 8 or 12 feet) is:
Moulding Length = 5(waste) + 8(FW) +2(W) + 2(H)

waste - 1/2" (or other)
FW - Face Width
W - Frame Width
H - Frame Height

Therefore, for an 18x24" frame with a 3" face width, you will require:

2.5 + 8(3) + 2(18) + 2(24) = 110.5 inches of length moulding. Divide this length by 12 for the length in feet: 9.21 feet.

Four identical waste triangles will be left after cutting a complete frame
Waste cut from Ornate Gold Leaf moulding

0.375 >
The Table below shows the moulding length you need to make a frame sized wxh with a given frame face-width and blade gap:
Blade Cut Gap Width:

For example if you have a 30" length moulding, and if the face width is 1" and if the cut waster is 3/8" you can make a max 4x6" or 5x5" size frame. Change the "Blade Cut Gap Width" submit the form and you will see the updated numbers based on the new cut waste amount.
Frame Size: wxh /
Frame Face Width
3 x 3" 18"20"21"22"24"26"28"30"32"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"
3 x 4" 20"22"23"24"26"28"30"32"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"48"
3 x 5" 22"24"25"26"28"30"32"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"48"50"
4 x 4" 22"24"25"26"28"30"32"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"48"50"
4 x 6" 26"28"29"30"32"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"48"50"52"54"
5 x 5" 26"28"29"30"32"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"48"50"52"54"
6 x 6" 30"32"33"34"36"38"40"42"44"46"48"50"52"54"56"58"
6 x 8" 34"36"37"38"40"42"44"46"48"50"52"54"56"58"60"62"
6 x 9" 36"38"39"40"42"44"46"48"50"52"54"56"58"60"62"64"
8 x 8" 38"40"41"42"44"46"48"50"52"54"56"58"60"62"64"66"
8 x 10" 42"44"45"46"48"50"52"54"56"58"60"62"64"66"68"70"
8 x 12" 46"48"49"50"52"54"56"58"60"62"64"66"68"70"72"74"
10 x 10" 46"48"49"50"52"54"56"58"60"62"64"66"68"70"72"74"
10 x 15" 56"58"59"60"62"64"66"68"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"84"
11 x 14" 56"58"59"60"62"64"66"68"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"84"
12 x 12" 54"56"57"58"60"62"64"66"68"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"
12 x 16" 62"64"65"66"68"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"84"86"88"90"
12 x 18" 66"68"69"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"84"86"88"90"92"94"
14 x 14" 62"64"65"66"68"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"84"86"88"90"
15 x 15" 66"68"69"70"72"74"76"78"80"82"84"86"88"90"92"94"
16 x 16" 70"72"73"74"76"78"80"82"84"86"88"90"92"94"96"98"
18 x 18" 78"80"81"82"84"86"88"90"92"94"96"98"100"102"104"106"
15 x 20" 76"78"79"80"82"84"86"88"90"92"94"96"98"100"102"104"
16 x 20" 78"80"81"82"84"86"88"90"92"94"96"98"100"102"104"106"
16 x 24" 86"88"89"90"92"94"96"98"100"102"104"106"108"110"112"114"
18 x 24" 90"92"93"94"96"98"100"102"104"106"108"110"112"114"116"118"
20 x 30" 106"108"109"110"112"114"116"118"120"122"124"126"128"130"132"134"
24 x 32" 118"120"121"122"124"126"128"130"132"134"136"138"140"142"144"146"
24 x 36" 126"128"129"130"132"134"136"138"140"142"144"146"148"150"152"154"

  1. The first thing to figure out before placing your length moulding order is the type of moulding you would like.

    You can browse our picture frame mouldings by color or style, or price bracket (which often implies face width, but not always).

  2. Once you have chosen the mouldings you want, determine the length you will need by using the formula above. The face width (FW) is always indicated either in the name of the moulding or on its product page.

  3. Click on a profile and the "Need Length Moulding?" link shows the online order form.

Depending on the individual lengths you require, we may ship long pieces that will need four or more cuts, or shorter pieces the appropriate size for only two cuts. The lengths we ship will not have mitered edges.

Because the cost of shipping increases the longer the packaging, we will try to ship shorter lengths if possible.

Ordering length mouldings is highly customized, and as such we are not able to offer refunds on this type of order. Please make sure your order is correct by reviewing it prior to placing, and afterwards in your confirmation.


not offered anymore
Another way to receive your frame moulding is to order "chops". Moulding chops are similar to lengths in that the frame comes to you unassembled, but each piece is already cut to size - for instance, two 18", miter-corner lengths and two 24" miter-corner lengths.

This type of order is ideal if you do not have the equipment to cut the frame yourself, but do have an underpinner or other machine for joining the corners.

To place a chop order, select your frame(s) in the normal method, and include a note at checkout stating you would like the lengths unjoined. We will adjust the price once we have received your order, and send you the updated confirmation.

  Check out our picture frame mouldings on our dedicated order page
Picture frame mouldings page

Check the face width of the moulding you choose to determine the total length required
The face width measurement is on each moulding page

Cutting Optimization Pro is a time-saving and waste-minimizing software that works for a wide range of industrial materials. It can be used for determining both the best surface layout and length layouts: one (1D) and two (2D) dimensional materials.

After inputting all the factors of our formula - including the total length of that particular moulding - the software can determine how many lengths are needed, and the best cutting order to produce the most product with the least waste.

To find out more about the other uses of this software, see our article on custom shipping boxes.

 Cutting optimization Pro software screenshot
Cutting Optimization Pro

If you have questions about any of our services or products, don't hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable staff is always happy to assist with answers, advice, or suggestions.

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