epoxy Resin on canvas I just got my first canvas print done with an epoxy finish. It took a while but the results are fantastic. Fthose who want to spend a bit more I definitely recommend it!
Paul Steele, Wolfville | THANK YOU! Hello,
Thank you for offering custom-sized stretcher frames online! Your frames are bringing the terrific finishing pop of color into the guest bedroom I'm putting together; I will be stapling onto them a fun, colorful fabric print.
Thanks again for the custom size!
Kindest regards
Steve, | thx Thanks for the up-date. Nowhere in the Greater Toronto area can artists get custom frames for canvas art - so it is no wonder that your site is being used throughout Canada by artists. The web-site is very easy to maneuver.
Jamil, Toronto | Happy New Year! The canvas arrived on Monday, as Fed Ex indicated it would. It looks great! I appreciate all your rapid responses to my queries over the last few weeks.
Nasim, |